Momo & Papa gave our family the Wii for Christmas this year, and boy has it been an adventure! We left for CA the day after Christmas, so we had to leave the Wii at home, but luckily my sister got one for Christmas too, and Ian's sister, who we also stayed with, has one as well! We quickly learned which games we enjoy playing, and had a blast playing them all with many different family members. The night after we got home though, was a night to be remembered.
Ian took out the Wii Fit Plus he had given me, and decided to figure it all out. I was upstairs getting the kids ready for bed. As I came down the stairs I noticed Ian was laying on his back in the fetal position, holding the top of his head. I thought he had broken something, because there seemed to be pieces of something on the carpet, but seconds later, I realized it was not something was blood! Coming from his HEAD! I panicked..."What happened?!" I yelled. I quickly looked over at the Wii Fit board on the floor, directly under the ceiling fan, which by the way he had already hit his hands on a couple of times earlier in the evening. I could not believe he placed that board
right under the fan. When he stands on it, he is only about an inch & a half from the little decorative prongs that protrude from underneath the light fixture.
So, he's bleeding quite a bit...and we decide we better call 911. The 911 lady tells me to put pressure on the wound and do not let up until the paramedics get there. Minutes later, they are pounding on our door. Luckily, the bleeding slowed down soon after they got there, and I was able to clean the carpet with half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide...which actually works wonders, in case you ever have to get blood out of carpet someday. The paramedics said it looked like he'd need 2-3 staples put in his head. And we're of course freaking out because of how much money we're imagining this will cost us. Luckily, they were able to stop the ambulance from coming, so we saved a lot there. We asked our neighbor, Sandra, to come and watch the kids for us while I drove Ian to the ER. He ended up only needing one staple, thank goodness. They had to wrap him up like a war patient because the bleeding wouldn't stop after they took the gauze out (they had stuffed it in the wound with meds to prevent infection.) It was quite comical seeing him wrapped up like that. On the drive home, all I could say was, "What we're you thinking?"
Poor Eli was a bit shaken up seeing Daddy get hurt like that. He was hiding behind our bar stools almost in tears after the paramedics came. Abbi was the only one present when Ian actually hit the fan and didn't even call for me or say anything when I came down, but she seemed to take it all okay. Maybe she was in shock. Owen was just talking up a storm after it happened. It was so interesting to see how all 3 kids handled it so differently. I asked Abbi as I was putting her to bed how she was doing, and she said, "I just don't like to think about it." She's
so her mother's child.
Ian took the Wii Fit back by the end of the week. It just wasn't quite what we needed. He got the staple out a week later and all is good now. But, that's a whole other post. He's so addicted to this's really starting to drive me a bit CRAZY. But, it's late...I'll tell you more about that another time:)